Studio & Booking Information
Our studio is perfect to host a small workshop or Continuing Education Class.
Teach an in-person and/or virtual class to further your students education.
Daily or hourly rates are Available!
Wellness Workshops & Seminars
Create your workshop and host it here! Wellness based lectures, conferences, and seminars; this clean and open space is perfect for smaller events.
Holistic Health Counseling & Life-Coaching
Let your students and clients know that you are available for in-person lessons, coaching, and classes. Host an intimate event to better reach your audience.
Photos of Our Space!

Yoga Continuing Education
YA teachers/trainers, host your courses or classes! Our studio spaciously fits 15 seated & 14 on Yoga Mats. Teach in person while allowing enough space for your online students to see the entire class clearly.
The Metta Center Welcomes You & Your Students
With a shared reception area, tables/chairs, mats, blankets, bolsters, & even select electronic equipment; you can feel at ease that your class is prepared & focus on giving your students the attention they need.